Friday, September 18, 2009

Does Your Attitude Need A Slight Adjustment? T.G.I.A.!

Today is T.G.I.F. day! Yippee, the weekend is here! Question...why is it that we don't have that same approach to Monday, or every day for that matter? I have a new slogan I'd like to put out there in the universe. How does T.G.I.A. sound? (Thank God I'm Alive!) This is really the way we should approach each and every day. We ALWAYS need to have an attitude of gratitude!

So I ask you...does your attitude need a slight Adjustment? If you aren't able to replace T.G.I.F with T.G.I.A. perhaps you do. Here are 5 simple ways you can become your own chiropractor and immediately begin making your attitude adjustments.

1) Thank God for waking you this morning in health of mind, body and spirit. If you have your health, and you're in your right mind, you are already abundantly blessed! If you have health challenges, thank God that you're alive and able to take the necessary steps to resolve them. If your spirits are low and you're feeling down; tell yourself this is a temporary situation and things will work themselves out. Also, try reading Romans 8:28 for more encouragement and confirmation that it's going to ultimately be okay.

2) Replace any negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Boldly say "I believe the world is plotting to do me good today, and I can't wait to see what this awesome day will bring! Just a little positive tweaking to your self talk can really make a difference.

3) Limit your time with toxic individuals! To the best of your ability today please limit your interaction with those individuals that you know consistently bring you down and are emotionally draining. Instead, spend time with Positive Action Oriented (PAO) individuals. If you don't have any PAO's in your inner circle perhaps it's time to expand your horizons.

4) Be a blessing to someone today. Look for ways to make someone else's day. This is not only helpful to that individual; it will lift your spirits as well. Remember it's always good to pay it forward.

5) Give yourself a face lift...Smile at everyone you encounter today! When you smile the world smiles back at you, so show those pearly whites!

If you implement these 5 simple ways to adjust your attitude on a daily basis you will naturally place yourself in a T.G.I.A. state of mind. So, are you ready to make T.G.I.A. your daily mantra? Go ahead, give it a'll be glad you did!

Have a positively vibracious day!

And as always stay tuned for more Positive Vibrations from Coach DiAnn.

Copyright © 2009 by ~DiAnn Y. Mason~

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Interruptions vs Distractions

Most of us experience various forms of interruptions and distractions throughout our day. It could be an unexpected phone call, traffic delays, or a request that causes you to stop your current activity. This is all a very normal part of our everyday life.

You have so much to accomplish on any given day, and yes you will experience interruptions. The key is not to allow an interruption become a distraction. If you allow every interruption to become a distraction your ability to remain focused, and stay on task will be compromised. You may eventually get to the point where you will not be able to effectively accomplish your goals.

Keep in mind that an interruption is a temporary situation. It will change scope and become a distraction only when you continue dwelling on it long after the situation has been resolved. (now I'm not talking about a life or death situation)

The best way to approach this is to determine the nature of the interruption. Is it something that has to be handled right that moment, or can you delay the resolution for a more appropriate time in your day. Maybe it's something you can delegate to someone else. Last but not least perhaps it’s not something you even need to do.

Here are a couple of examples of interruptions that if handled properly will not change scope and become a distraction.

You're cruising in your car and moving right along then all of a sudden you begin slowing down and now you're no longer even moving. Oh no, you're going to be late! Let's face it traffic delays are going to happen from time to time (daily if you live in Atlanta) and once you’re caught in up traffic you just have to wait it out. However, why not use that additional time to listen to motivational, self improvement or financial planning books on CD. Try and take advantage of your down time and focus on what you can do vs. becoming frustrated by being delayed.

Ring…the unexpected phone call comes in with a request to do something that doesn't require your immediate attention (from your perspective). Now, you have a couple of options; one, determine that this is not something you're going to do, which in that case just be honest. Tell the requester you will not be able to accommodate their request or simply just say no. This frees you up to resume your current activity and requires no additional thought time.

Now I know that saying no can be very difficult especially depending on the requester. However, if you continue taking time out to do things you know you shouldn't do, don't have the time to do, or just plain don't want to do. You will eventually become distracted and frustrated because these types of requests are not something you feel you need to do either at this time, or ever.

On the other hand if you really will accommodate their request but you just can't do it right away, let them know you do plan to assist, but not at this time. Give them a time frame if you can to avoid the proverbial call back. Also, if it's something you can delegate, quickly do so.

The above examples represent types of interruptions that we'll all experience at one time or another. You may not be able to control when and how you will be interrupted, but you can control your reactions so that they do not become distractions!

Stay tuned for more Positive Vibrations by Coach DiAnn

Saturday, September 12, 2009

If Not Now, WHEN??

When you woke up this morning what was your state of mind? Were you happy and excited about the day, or were you dreading even getting out of bed? The answer to these questions says a lot about your attitude and the way you feel about life at this moment.

Yes, there are times when we all have "one of those days", but the key is not to let that become a consistent theme in our lives. You need to live on purpose, and continue to push past the pain and challenges of everyday life. Make a decision and chose to soar like an eagle when things are as they say "going south".

I read this scripture in the wee hours of the morning. I was humbled and enlightened by these verses. It reminds me of how continually blessed I am to have my life, with all of the ups and downs and in-betweens. Keep the faith no matter what curve ball life has thrown you, it’s not over and in reality every time you wake up its just the beginning! Remember If not now, When!

Ecclesiastes 5:19-20 "Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work - this is a gift of God. He seldom reflects on the days of his life, because God keeps him occupied with gladness of heart." NIV

We never know the day, or the hour that we will leave this earth.

So, what are you waiting for???

Harness your talents, skills and abilities to fulfill the dreams, goals and desires that God has blessed you with. If you’re thinking about starting a business, or a new career - do it! if you’re in business – take it to the next level! If you need assistance – seek it! If you’re afraid – turn your fear into focus, and get busy!

What’s it Going to Be – YOU Decide!

YOU are the one who has to decide,
whether you’ll do it, or toss it aside.

You are the one who makes up your mind,
whether you’ll try it or leave it behind.

YOU are the one, who can now raise the bar,
or be contended to stay where you are.

Take it or leave it, there’s something to do,
just think it over, it’s all up to YOU!

Again, I say…”If not Now, WHEN?”

Stay Tuned for more Positive Vibrations
with Coach DiAnn

Friday, September 11, 2009

Tune Into Your Dreams!

There are times in our lives when we may have the desire for something different. We will often dream of what life could be “if only” …. (You fill in the blank). Now is the time is now to begin taking action and putting forth the effort to begin living your dreams, whatever they may be.

Perhaps you need to develop new skills to pursue a different career, or start working on that brilliant business idea. Whatever the dream, no matter how big it may seem or how unattainable it may look at the moment - "Do not, I repeat... Do not let fear or procrastination hold you back!"

Instead tell yourself... I owe it to myself to be the best me I can possibly be. Today I will take that first step towards investing in myself and my dreams!

I initially wrote this poem about four years ago when I was dreaming about doing something different. This is the re-write of that original poem. Unfortunately I was someone who kept ignoring God's sweet whisper and I had to hear God's scream before I truly took action to discover my purpose and my vision in life. I'm happy to report today that I am doing something different; living my dreams, and dreaming even bigger each day! Stay tuned I'm here to help you do the same.

Tune into Your Dreams
By DiAnn Y. Mason

When you’re quiet you will hear
God’s sweet whisper in your ear;
saying "I've given this awesome vision to you,
so why my child aren't you seeing it through?"

For God knew the plans He had for you before your birth
to be accomplished and fulfilled upon His earth!
But, if you keep ignoring your purpose and dreams;
God’s sweet whisper will soon become a scream!

So get up, and get to moving,
life is all about you grooving;
to the awesome tune God made for you...
because life’s not about living the blues!

It's about purpose, vision and letting go of ALL negative things,
so you can truly focus, flourish and begin living your dreams!

Copyright © 2005 ~DiAnn Y. Mason~

Stay Tuned for more Positive Vibrations
from Coach DiAnn

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Power of Positive Speaking

Have you ever thought about something you really didn’t want to happen, but you said it out loud…and the next thing you knew it happened? Well, the same thing works when you want something positive to happen in your life! Your thought life is extremely vulnerable. If you continuously feed your mind with negative, self defeating thoughts, eventually they will become your reality.

Always, always, always focus your mind on the positive aspects of life. Philippians 3:8 says; whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.

It takes time to retrain your brain to focus solely on the positive, and reality says even the most positive of individuals can straddle the fence. However, the key is, no matter how difficult the situation, always think about and expect something positive to be the end result!

Five Steps to harnessing the Power of Positive Speaking

1) Think about something positive you want/need to happen in your life.

2) Say it out loud with conviction, put some power behind your voice!

3) Write it down in detail, and explain how you will feel when it happens.

4) Thank the creator in advance for this blessing.

5) Read your positive statement aloud each morning and be patient ~ if it is in the plan the creator has for you…it will happen!

Remember, anything worth having is worth waiting for. So, during the time you are waiting for something wonderful to happen, focus on how you can be a blessing to someone else.

To YOUR Success, and the Greatness that is within YOU!

Stay Tuned for more Positive Vibrations with Coach DiAnn

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Celebrate The Small Successes!

We all make time to celebrate the big successes in our lives such as new job, marriage, new home, promotion, closing a deal, starting a business etc... This is great, and we should acknowledge and celebrate our wins. However, we should also celebrate the small successes along the way!

Celebrating the small successes of everyday life keeps us feeling successful consistently. Let's say you're in sales and you've set a goal to close three deals by the end of the week. However, you only close one deal and the other two fell through. Do you see yourself as a success or a failure?

If you choose to see yourself as a failure you have just missed an opportunity to celebrate the one deal you did close! Now if this happens repeatedly you are consistently missing opportunities to celebrate your small successes. If this negative type of behavior is left unchecked you may potentially begin to see yourself a failure.

Okay, let's revisit the scenario. You set a goal to close three deals by the end of the week, you closed one and the other two fell through. Now let's reexamine this from a positive perspective. You closed one deal that is great, celebrate!

Now that you're feeling good take time to uncover the golden nuggets of knowledge learned from the other two deals. First and foremost "don't take it personally!"

Instead, utilize the precious information learned from the other two deals, and make the necessary tweaks in your sales strategy going forward. As a result, this principle will establish a mindset of continuous improvement which creates the ground work for repeated future successes.

Keep the momentum of positive energy going and always remember to celebrate the small successes along the way!

Be consistently encouraged, and have a Positively Vibracious day!