Friday, September 11, 2009

Tune Into Your Dreams!

There are times in our lives when we may have the desire for something different. We will often dream of what life could be “if only” …. (You fill in the blank). Now is the time is now to begin taking action and putting forth the effort to begin living your dreams, whatever they may be.

Perhaps you need to develop new skills to pursue a different career, or start working on that brilliant business idea. Whatever the dream, no matter how big it may seem or how unattainable it may look at the moment - "Do not, I repeat... Do not let fear or procrastination hold you back!"

Instead tell yourself... I owe it to myself to be the best me I can possibly be. Today I will take that first step towards investing in myself and my dreams!

I initially wrote this poem about four years ago when I was dreaming about doing something different. This is the re-write of that original poem. Unfortunately I was someone who kept ignoring God's sweet whisper and I had to hear God's scream before I truly took action to discover my purpose and my vision in life. I'm happy to report today that I am doing something different; living my dreams, and dreaming even bigger each day! Stay tuned I'm here to help you do the same.

Tune into Your Dreams
By DiAnn Y. Mason

When you’re quiet you will hear
God’s sweet whisper in your ear;
saying "I've given this awesome vision to you,
so why my child aren't you seeing it through?"

For God knew the plans He had for you before your birth
to be accomplished and fulfilled upon His earth!
But, if you keep ignoring your purpose and dreams;
God’s sweet whisper will soon become a scream!

So get up, and get to moving,
life is all about you grooving;
to the awesome tune God made for you...
because life’s not about living the blues!

It's about purpose, vision and letting go of ALL negative things,
so you can truly focus, flourish and begin living your dreams!

Copyright © 2005 ~DiAnn Y. Mason~

Stay Tuned for more Positive Vibrations
from Coach DiAnn

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