Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Celebrate The Small Successes!

We all make time to celebrate the big successes in our lives such as new job, marriage, new home, promotion, closing a deal, starting a business etc... This is great, and we should acknowledge and celebrate our wins. However, we should also celebrate the small successes along the way!

Celebrating the small successes of everyday life keeps us feeling successful consistently. Let's say you're in sales and you've set a goal to close three deals by the end of the week. However, you only close one deal and the other two fell through. Do you see yourself as a success or a failure?

If you choose to see yourself as a failure you have just missed an opportunity to celebrate the one deal you did close! Now if this happens repeatedly you are consistently missing opportunities to celebrate your small successes. If this negative type of behavior is left unchecked you may potentially begin to see yourself a failure.

Okay, let's revisit the scenario. You set a goal to close three deals by the end of the week, you closed one and the other two fell through. Now let's reexamine this from a positive perspective. You closed one deal that is great, celebrate!

Now that you're feeling good take time to uncover the golden nuggets of knowledge learned from the other two deals. First and foremost "don't take it personally!"

Instead, utilize the precious information learned from the other two deals, and make the necessary tweaks in your sales strategy going forward. As a result, this principle will establish a mindset of continuous improvement which creates the ground work for repeated future successes.

Keep the momentum of positive energy going and always remember to celebrate the small successes along the way!

Be consistently encouraged, and have a Positively Vibracious day!

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