Friday, September 18, 2009

Does Your Attitude Need A Slight Adjustment? T.G.I.A.!

Today is T.G.I.F. day! Yippee, the weekend is here! Question...why is it that we don't have that same approach to Monday, or every day for that matter? I have a new slogan I'd like to put out there in the universe. How does T.G.I.A. sound? (Thank God I'm Alive!) This is really the way we should approach each and every day. We ALWAYS need to have an attitude of gratitude!

So I ask you...does your attitude need a slight Adjustment? If you aren't able to replace T.G.I.F with T.G.I.A. perhaps you do. Here are 5 simple ways you can become your own chiropractor and immediately begin making your attitude adjustments.

1) Thank God for waking you this morning in health of mind, body and spirit. If you have your health, and you're in your right mind, you are already abundantly blessed! If you have health challenges, thank God that you're alive and able to take the necessary steps to resolve them. If your spirits are low and you're feeling down; tell yourself this is a temporary situation and things will work themselves out. Also, try reading Romans 8:28 for more encouragement and confirmation that it's going to ultimately be okay.

2) Replace any negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Boldly say "I believe the world is plotting to do me good today, and I can't wait to see what this awesome day will bring! Just a little positive tweaking to your self talk can really make a difference.

3) Limit your time with toxic individuals! To the best of your ability today please limit your interaction with those individuals that you know consistently bring you down and are emotionally draining. Instead, spend time with Positive Action Oriented (PAO) individuals. If you don't have any PAO's in your inner circle perhaps it's time to expand your horizons.

4) Be a blessing to someone today. Look for ways to make someone else's day. This is not only helpful to that individual; it will lift your spirits as well. Remember it's always good to pay it forward.

5) Give yourself a face lift...Smile at everyone you encounter today! When you smile the world smiles back at you, so show those pearly whites!

If you implement these 5 simple ways to adjust your attitude on a daily basis you will naturally place yourself in a T.G.I.A. state of mind. So, are you ready to make T.G.I.A. your daily mantra? Go ahead, give it a'll be glad you did!

Have a positively vibracious day!

And as always stay tuned for more Positive Vibrations from Coach DiAnn.

Copyright © 2009 by ~DiAnn Y. Mason~

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