Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Anyone Out There Starting A New Business?

Starting a new business is both exciting and rewarding. Here are Coach DiAnn’s ABC's of starting a new business. Good luck!

Acquire substantial knowledge about your type of business.
Business plans are not optional.
Cash flow will either make or break your great business idea.
Debt reduction is important to maintaining a positive cash flow.
Eliminate naysayers and negative individuals from your inner circle.
Focus your time, talent and energy on growing your business.
Get help from individuals/companies that specialize in business start ups.
Honesty is always the best policy.
Invest in yourself and your business.
Joint ventures may be a good idea.
Keep things in perspective; starting a business is not for the faint of heart.
Learn from your mistakes.
Make time for yourself.
Network, network, network!
Operate your business with an attitude that success is mandatory!
Profit margins speak volumes about the health of your business.
Quick decision making can sometimes hurt your business.
Rest and relaxation are important to keeping your mind sharp.
Seek advice from individuals who run successful businesses.
Test your product or service on a focus group.
Understand the tax implications of your business; hire a good tax accountant.
Venture out and always know your competition.
Website appeal and current/relevant website content are critical.
X-hale and celebrate each success milestone.
Yes you can!!!
Zest, zeal and passion for your business, clients, products and services are key!

You can do it!!

To YOUR Success and the Greatness that is within YOU!
Coach DiAnn

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