Monday, October 19, 2009

When One Door Closes...Get Ready for Your Next Awesome Opportunity!

As you may recall from my very first post a few months ago, I was laid off in February after being with a fortune 500 company for 27 years. It was an extremely devastating experience for me. I really thought I was going to enjoy the benefits of working until retirement. Unfortunately that was not the plan and I began asking myself why now, why me and what's next?

The answers to these questions gave me the realization that being laid off was the opportunity of a lifetime! I began utilizing this new found freedom to gain an understanding of my purpose in life, discover my God given inner vision and begin living my best life!

I am living proof that when one door closes, another door of awesome opportunity opens! Everything is truly in God's divine order. So...I am so excited to announce that my new company - Discover YOUR Vision, LLC has launched! (

Over the past few weeks I've been intensely focused to ensure every aspect of launching this company so I haven't done as much blogging during this time. It has all be a true labor of love and I'm so very excited to see my God given vision coming into fruition!

I officially opened my doors for business Saturday, October 17th! It is truly a dream come true for me. Here's a little information about Discover YOUR Vision, LLC.

Discover YOUR Vision is a company that firmly believes that having a defined vision provides clarity for every aspect of your life. We start with helping you gain an understanding of your purpose. With that understanding you will ultimately discover, document and put realistic plans in place to achieve your inner vision.

Our purpose is to help you create a more joyful, fulfilling and meaningful life by discovering and documenting your inner vision. In addition we offer Discover YOUR Vision programs and coaching services for individuals for couples, organizations, churches, and corporations.

Please visit our website ( for more details about our company, Discover YOUR Vision program offerings and coaching services.

When the doors of life slam shut it's telling you to open your mind, try something different now, and move out of your comfort zone. Get, ready, get ready, get ready! When the awesome door of opportunity swings open you want to be able to take advantage of everything God has for you. Isn't it time you "Discover YOUR Vision"!

To YOUR Success and the Greatness that is within YOU!

Coach DiAnn

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