Monday, October 5, 2009

The Value of "Real Friendship"

The statement you have to be a friend to have friends carries a lot of weight. "Real friendship" should not be taken lightly, nor taken for granted. Recently, I had the opportunity to see the true test of friendship in my own life. One of my very dear friends was in need of support from a health challenge perspective and I went into auto pilot mode and stepped up to the plate. My take away thoughts were; I was glad to be of service to a dear friend who was in need.

I experienced first hand that patience truly is a virtue, compassion should be endless, and there should always be something you can do to help someone you love who is in need. Question... what type of friends do you have in your life, and more importantly what type of friend are you?

If You Do For Me First, I'll Do For You:
This type of friendship is based on what's in it for me. It's not a mutually beneficial relationship; it's conditional. These types of friendships are surface friendships and typically do not last long.

Fair Weather Friends:
This is your typical friendship that is from a hit or miss perspective. If you're hitting the mark with what's happening in your life they are right there cheering you on, and reaping the benefits of your success. However, when you need them, unfortunately they are missing in action. It never fails though when you are back up on your feet again they will mysteriously appear with an excuse as to why they were M.I.A. when you really needed them.

Friends Because of Your Status, Finances...etc:
Now this type of friend is one who admires you for what you have accomplished in life. They love hanging out with you, and being seen with you. This is like the groupie type of person. Being with you gives them the opportunity to experience your lifestyle without having to pay the price you paid to earn it.

True Friend:
A true friend is one who will stick closer to you than your own blood brother or sister. They will do for you without you even having to ask. Most times they will already know what you need because of your close relationship. They will stand by you, with you and for you during challenging times. This is someone whom you frequently share belly laughs with and openly cry like a baby. In fact they will always extend their shoulder for you to lean on.

Again I ask... what type of friends do you have in your life and more importantly; what type of friend are you?

Take inventory of the "friends" in your life and then take inventory of yourself. Ensure you are being the type of friend to others that you would like to have in your life. I always say...A friend who’ll be there when you’re in need is a friend indeed!

To all of my wonderful friends, I LOVE YOU, and I thank you for being in my life!!!

Stay Tuned for more Positive Vibrations with Coach DiAnn!

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