Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Everyday Gives You Something To Cheer About!

Some days I know we all wake up on that bluesy feeling that there's nothing really that great going on in our lives. However, I am a firm believer that everyday give you "something" to cheer about! The time to make up your mind about how you will approach your day is when you wake up.

Now it's truly okay if you find that you're just not "feeling it" when you wake up. However, it is not okay to remain this way. No matter how difficult it is to shake off those negative feelings you really have find the strength to do so. The rest of your day depends on how you choose to start your day.

You can either wallow in an unwillingness to shake it off, or you can create an aurora of calmness and conjure up positive thoughts. Think about something great that happened to you in the past and dwell on that for a moment. When you do this more positive energy and thoughts will come into your conscious mind.

I challenge you to find that something in your life today to cheer about. If you are reading this message you already have something great to cheer about.

One - you're alive and in your right mind
Two - you have sight so you can read
Three - you are able to comprehend what you are reading and determine its relevance to your life.
Four, five, six...etc ______________________________________________you fill in the blanks.

I've started off your cheer list, now it's time for you to continue adding those incredible things to cheer about today!

To YOUR Success, and the Greatness that is within YOU!

Stay tuned for more Positive Vibrations with Coach DiAnn

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Stay Focused and Keep Your Eyes on the Prize!

Stay Focused and Keep Your Eyes on the Prize!

There is so much power in staying focused and remaining on task to meet your goals. You will feel increasingly productive, positive and well positioned. Each time you put a check mark next to a completed action item there is such a sense of accomplishment. It doesn't matter if it's a small action or one that is much larger in scope. The point is that you are creating forward momentum!

Staying focused also means that you have to be willing to expand your horizons, step out of your comfort zone and try something different. Each time you allow yourself to reach beyond your current mindset you will open the door for new opportunities to present themselves.

If you are saying what can I do differently or I'm not sure where to begin. Here are a few thoughts.

a) Try going to networking events...
and or, joining organizations that are related to your industry. Also, pick up
industry publications, they can be very informational and provide sound advice.
b) Get additional training and skills...
as an example consider joining Toastmasters if you need to hone in on public
speaking skills.
c) Ask someone to meet for coffee...
who has a proven track record of success in your industry and ask them about their journey to success. Take good notes and follow up with a thank you note.
d) Hush the voices of negativity...
whether it is your own voice or the voices of others in your circle.
e) Consider the alternative - doing nothing...
which will keep you doubting, fearful,and unmotivated to live your best life. - THIS IS NOT AN OPTION for you!!!

You were created to fulfill your purpose, implement your visions, make a positive impact on the lives of others, and live your best life! This is not the time to sit back and wait for something to happen. Now is always the time to stay focused, create positive momentum and keep your eyes on the prize!

I encourage you to be optimistic, courageous, have strong faith and be completely committed to stay to course as you work towards your destiny, and the fulfillment of your visions. Remember when you take one step towards your awesome future, the universe takes two! I know great things are in your future…

Stay tuned for more Positive Vibrations with Coach DiAnn!

Monday, October 19, 2009

When One Door Closes...Get Ready for Your Next Awesome Opportunity!

As you may recall from my very first post a few months ago, I was laid off in February after being with a fortune 500 company for 27 years. It was an extremely devastating experience for me. I really thought I was going to enjoy the benefits of working until retirement. Unfortunately that was not the plan and I began asking myself why now, why me and what's next?

The answers to these questions gave me the realization that being laid off was the opportunity of a lifetime! I began utilizing this new found freedom to gain an understanding of my purpose in life, discover my God given inner vision and begin living my best life!

I am living proof that when one door closes, another door of awesome opportunity opens! Everything is truly in God's divine order. So...I am so excited to announce that my new company - Discover YOUR Vision, LLC has launched! (www.discoveryourvision.org)

Over the past few weeks I've been intensely focused to ensure every aspect of launching this company so I haven't done as much blogging during this time. It has all be a true labor of love and I'm so very excited to see my God given vision coming into fruition!

I officially opened my doors for business Saturday, October 17th! It is truly a dream come true for me. Here's a little information about Discover YOUR Vision, LLC.

Discover YOUR Vision is a company that firmly believes that having a defined vision provides clarity for every aspect of your life. We start with helping you gain an understanding of your purpose. With that understanding you will ultimately discover, document and put realistic plans in place to achieve your inner vision.

Our purpose is to help you create a more joyful, fulfilling and meaningful life by discovering and documenting your inner vision. In addition we offer Discover YOUR Vision programs and coaching services for individuals for couples, organizations, churches, and corporations.

Please visit our website (www.discoveryourvision.org) for more details about our company, Discover YOUR Vision program offerings and coaching services.

When the doors of life slam shut it's telling you to open your mind, try something different now, and move out of your comfort zone. Get, ready, get ready, get ready! When the awesome door of opportunity swings open you want to be able to take advantage of everything God has for you. Isn't it time you "Discover YOUR Vision"!

To YOUR Success and the Greatness that is within YOU!

Coach DiAnn

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Anyone Out There Starting A New Business?

Starting a new business is both exciting and rewarding. Here are Coach DiAnn’s ABC's of starting a new business. Good luck!

Acquire substantial knowledge about your type of business.
Business plans are not optional.
Cash flow will either make or break your great business idea.
Debt reduction is important to maintaining a positive cash flow.
Eliminate naysayers and negative individuals from your inner circle.
Focus your time, talent and energy on growing your business.
Get help from individuals/companies that specialize in business start ups.
Honesty is always the best policy.
Invest in yourself and your business.
Joint ventures may be a good idea.
Keep things in perspective; starting a business is not for the faint of heart.
Learn from your mistakes.
Make time for yourself.
Network, network, network!
Operate your business with an attitude that success is mandatory!
Profit margins speak volumes about the health of your business.
Quick decision making can sometimes hurt your business.
Rest and relaxation are important to keeping your mind sharp.
Seek advice from individuals who run successful businesses.
Test your product or service on a focus group.
Understand the tax implications of your business; hire a good tax accountant.
Venture out and always know your competition.
Website appeal and current/relevant website content are critical.
X-hale and celebrate each success milestone.
Yes you can!!!
Zest, zeal and passion for your business, clients, products and services are key!

You can do it!!

To YOUR Success and the Greatness that is within YOU!
Coach DiAnn

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Value of "Real Friendship"

The statement you have to be a friend to have friends carries a lot of weight. "Real friendship" should not be taken lightly, nor taken for granted. Recently, I had the opportunity to see the true test of friendship in my own life. One of my very dear friends was in need of support from a health challenge perspective and I went into auto pilot mode and stepped up to the plate. My take away thoughts were; I was glad to be of service to a dear friend who was in need.

I experienced first hand that patience truly is a virtue, compassion should be endless, and there should always be something you can do to help someone you love who is in need. Question... what type of friends do you have in your life, and more importantly what type of friend are you?

If You Do For Me First, I'll Do For You:
This type of friendship is based on what's in it for me. It's not a mutually beneficial relationship; it's conditional. These types of friendships are surface friendships and typically do not last long.

Fair Weather Friends:
This is your typical friendship that is from a hit or miss perspective. If you're hitting the mark with what's happening in your life they are right there cheering you on, and reaping the benefits of your success. However, when you need them, unfortunately they are missing in action. It never fails though when you are back up on your feet again they will mysteriously appear with an excuse as to why they were M.I.A. when you really needed them.

Friends Because of Your Status, Finances...etc:
Now this type of friend is one who admires you for what you have accomplished in life. They love hanging out with you, and being seen with you. This is like the groupie type of person. Being with you gives them the opportunity to experience your lifestyle without having to pay the price you paid to earn it.

True Friend:
A true friend is one who will stick closer to you than your own blood brother or sister. They will do for you without you even having to ask. Most times they will already know what you need because of your close relationship. They will stand by you, with you and for you during challenging times. This is someone whom you frequently share belly laughs with and openly cry like a baby. In fact they will always extend their shoulder for you to lean on.

Again I ask... what type of friends do you have in your life and more importantly; what type of friend are you?

Take inventory of the "friends" in your life and then take inventory of yourself. Ensure you are being the type of friend to others that you would like to have in your life. I always say...A friend who’ll be there when you’re in need is a friend indeed!

To all of my wonderful friends, I LOVE YOU, and I thank you for being in my life!!!

Stay Tuned for more Positive Vibrations with Coach DiAnn!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Does Your Attitude Need A Slight Adjustment? T.G.I.A.!

Today is T.G.I.F. day! Yippee, the weekend is here! Question...why is it that we don't have that same approach to Monday, or every day for that matter? I have a new slogan I'd like to put out there in the universe. How does T.G.I.A. sound? (Thank God I'm Alive!) This is really the way we should approach each and every day. We ALWAYS need to have an attitude of gratitude!

So I ask you...does your attitude need a slight Adjustment? If you aren't able to replace T.G.I.F with T.G.I.A. perhaps you do. Here are 5 simple ways you can become your own chiropractor and immediately begin making your attitude adjustments.

1) Thank God for waking you this morning in health of mind, body and spirit. If you have your health, and you're in your right mind, you are already abundantly blessed! If you have health challenges, thank God that you're alive and able to take the necessary steps to resolve them. If your spirits are low and you're feeling down; tell yourself this is a temporary situation and things will work themselves out. Also, try reading Romans 8:28 for more encouragement and confirmation that it's going to ultimately be okay.

2) Replace any negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Boldly say "I believe the world is plotting to do me good today, and I can't wait to see what this awesome day will bring! Just a little positive tweaking to your self talk can really make a difference.

3) Limit your time with toxic individuals! To the best of your ability today please limit your interaction with those individuals that you know consistently bring you down and are emotionally draining. Instead, spend time with Positive Action Oriented (PAO) individuals. If you don't have any PAO's in your inner circle perhaps it's time to expand your horizons.

4) Be a blessing to someone today. Look for ways to make someone else's day. This is not only helpful to that individual; it will lift your spirits as well. Remember it's always good to pay it forward.

5) Give yourself a face lift...Smile at everyone you encounter today! When you smile the world smiles back at you, so show those pearly whites!

If you implement these 5 simple ways to adjust your attitude on a daily basis you will naturally place yourself in a T.G.I.A. state of mind. So, are you ready to make T.G.I.A. your daily mantra? Go ahead, give it a try...you'll be glad you did!

Have a positively vibracious day!

And as always stay tuned for more Positive Vibrations from Coach DiAnn.

Copyright © 2009 by ~DiAnn Y. Mason~

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Interruptions vs Distractions

Most of us experience various forms of interruptions and distractions throughout our day. It could be an unexpected phone call, traffic delays, or a request that causes you to stop your current activity. This is all a very normal part of our everyday life.

You have so much to accomplish on any given day, and yes you will experience interruptions. The key is not to allow an interruption become a distraction. If you allow every interruption to become a distraction your ability to remain focused, and stay on task will be compromised. You may eventually get to the point where you will not be able to effectively accomplish your goals.

Keep in mind that an interruption is a temporary situation. It will change scope and become a distraction only when you continue dwelling on it long after the situation has been resolved. (now I'm not talking about a life or death situation)

The best way to approach this is to determine the nature of the interruption. Is it something that has to be handled right that moment, or can you delay the resolution for a more appropriate time in your day. Maybe it's something you can delegate to someone else. Last but not least perhaps it’s not something you even need to do.

Here are a couple of examples of interruptions that if handled properly will not change scope and become a distraction.

You're cruising in your car and moving right along then all of a sudden you begin slowing down and now you're no longer even moving. Oh no, you're going to be late! Let's face it traffic delays are going to happen from time to time (daily if you live in Atlanta) and once you’re caught in up traffic you just have to wait it out. However, why not use that additional time to listen to motivational, self improvement or financial planning books on CD. Try and take advantage of your down time and focus on what you can do vs. becoming frustrated by being delayed.

Ring…the unexpected phone call comes in with a request to do something that doesn't require your immediate attention (from your perspective). Now, you have a couple of options; one, determine that this is not something you're going to do, which in that case just be honest. Tell the requester you will not be able to accommodate their request or simply just say no. This frees you up to resume your current activity and requires no additional thought time.

Now I know that saying no can be very difficult especially depending on the requester. However, if you continue taking time out to do things you know you shouldn't do, don't have the time to do, or just plain don't want to do. You will eventually become distracted and frustrated because these types of requests are not something you feel you need to do either at this time, or ever.

On the other hand if you really will accommodate their request but you just can't do it right away, let them know you do plan to assist, but not at this time. Give them a time frame if you can to avoid the proverbial call back. Also, if it's something you can delegate, quickly do so.

The above examples represent types of interruptions that we'll all experience at one time or another. You may not be able to control when and how you will be interrupted, but you can control your reactions so that they do not become distractions!

Stay tuned for more Positive Vibrations by Coach DiAnn