Saturday, August 8, 2009

About Positive Vibrations by DiAnn

Greetings All!

I'm DiAnn, the creator of Positive Vibrations; a collection of positive, inspirational writings and poems about life, love, and the challenges we face in the pursuit of happiness. I hope you will tune in regularly to receive a healthy, hearty dose of Positive Vibrations! God has a bigger purpose and plan for our lives.

A little bit about me, and why I decided to start this blog... I was gainfully employed in corporate America for 25 plus years. The operative word is WAS! In February 09, I was laid off from my job, who was my "husband" of 25 plus years. I felt like I had been divorced, and we weren't even having issues. (smile) You might think this is kinda different to relate your job from a personal standpoint, but that's what it felt like to me. Going forward, I know I will not share that same perspective about my next employer.

However, that was then and this is now! It's eight months later and I’ve gone through my challenging grieving period. I'm diligently looking for my next opportunity, and at the same time learning to be more patient with myself. On a daily basis I'm trying to do a better job of quieting the voices of others, and the little voice in my own head so that I can be still enough to hear God's answers to my prayers.

Everyday I say to myself..."If not now WHEN??" You see, I realized that it's really up to me to decide how I'm going to feel about each day. When you radiate and send out Positive Vibrations, the universe responds back to you with that same vibrant energy. We all have a responsibility to ensure daily that our attitude is one of positivity and gratitude!

So, whether you're unemployed, underemployed or employed, I'm right there with you my friends, and we will survive and thrive to the fullest each day! Stay tuned for more Positive Vibrations by Diann...

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