Saturday, August 15, 2009

What's The Weather Forecast For Your Life Today?

My question to you today is “what’s the weather forecast for your life at the moment?”

Is it sunny and bright, and your beautiful smile let’s everyone know that you’re thankful to be alive, or is there a storm underway due to an unanticipated devastating event. Or maybe, it’s just a little intermittent sprinkle because things didn’t quite go as you planned.

Perhaps you’re tossed to and fro because the winds of change are blowing hard in your direction. Well, from time to time we will all be challenged with life’s inclement weather in our lives. But we shouldn’t let that dictate the course of our day.

What we have to remember is that, we are our own “Weather Woman”! We can decide what the internal forecast for ourselves will be on any given day. So, regardless what the external circumstances, your internal mental attitude will have a profound impact on the outcome.

When you start your day with a positive mental attitude you will be better equipped to handle anything that crosses your path. However, if you allow a negative attitude to rule your day, even the most minuscule situation can appear to be overwhelming and devastating.

So again, my question to you is…”what’s the weather forecast for your life today?” I hope your answer will be "it’s a beautiful day in my neighborhood". Remember “This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24)

To your success and the greatness that is within you!

This piece is from one of my blogs from Women About Biz, an awesome business woman's organization that provides helpful resources and tools to empower today's business woman.

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