Monday, August 10, 2009

Life is Drawing Without an Eraser

Today, a very dear friend sent me a beautiful presentation entitled "Absolutely Awesome Slide Show". It captured the most amazing pictures, and the captions were very inspirational and uplifting. The caption that caused me to pause and take note was "Life is drawing without an eraser".

My first thought took me back to when I was a little girl learning to write my ABC's with a No. 2 pencil. You could just draw a letter, and simply erase it if it didn't look right. Gee, if only life were that simple today. (smile)

The older I get the more I'm learning and understanding that letting go of the past is really beneficial for you. Once something takes place good or bad it's over, and immediately becomes part of your past. Also, a lot of your past experiences you probably wouldn't want to relive again anyway.

So, live your life on purpose! Realize that drawing without an eraser is a very liberating and positive way to approach each day of your life.

Living on Purpose - DiAnn's Daily Mantra
GOD has uniquely blessed you with your own special gifts. Bring them forth and make the most of each one. Experience the abundance that life has to offer, and live the life that is uniquely YOU!

Do the things your heart is calling you to do, and find a way to make it happen. Always refuse to settle for a lesser rendition of life. Make the most of what you have, and always have a positive attitude of gratitude. Be giving, and bless others with your time, talent and abilities.

Praise God daily for giving you this wonderful life to live... Life if truly magnificent when you chose to live on purpose!

Stay tuned for more Positive Vibrations by DiAnn...

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